
Borrowed from the as a good use-case for demonstrating reasoning for use of git-annex by data providers. You can already fetch entire studyforrest dataset using git-annex directly. Here is e.g. a sample list of command to fetch all extracted into CSV timeseries:

git clone studyforrest
cd studyforrest
git annex get sub*/BOLD/task001_run*/*timeseries*.csv.gz

Data sharing can be very simple: just put a few files on a web-server. However, without (at least) proper documentation re-using a dataset that has been thrown over the wall can be a fairly expensive endeavour.

But even with proper documentation providing mere file access is insufficient. There is a simple reason: data are not static. Once released data keep evolving: file formats can change, bugs will be fixed [1] [2], new data are added, derived data needs to be integrated. Any proper data-sharing setup needs to provide means for data consumers to track and obtain modifications of a data set. These necessities are identical to those of software releases. Version control systems are a de-facto standard for open source software development. Their utility for streamlining collaborative development is obvious and documented by the vast number of project using social coding sites like Github.

In this project we have already gathered lots of 1st-hand experience with the disadvantages of absent version control for data. It took less than a week for the first report of some data inconsistency to arrive after the data became publicly available. It took minutes to fix it, but pushing out updated data is still an ongoing process. Why is that?

This dataset is available from multiple locations. Sometimes as single files, sometimes as gigantic tarballs, sometimes (partially) incorporated in databases. All these locations need to be updated now, which involves lots of emails to discuss which sites are affected and how to best obtain the changes without having to download 355 GB. Of course, only known data consumers can be emailed.

So far, our best solution for this problem was to provide rsync-based access. This allows for automated re-synchronization in a way that only obtains the portions of data that actually changed. This doesn't magically update tarballs, but at least minimizes the bandwidth demands. However, rsync has no inherent concept of nature of modifications. If two problems were fixed since the last synchronization, it will obtain both fixes at once without a clear association of each fix with changes in the documentation or a changelog. Because previous version gets overwritten with a subsequent sync, it eliminates possibility to reproduce previously obtained results (unless some copy was kept locally).

Analogously, rsync also doesn't help with managing the evolution of the dataset. Internally, we are already working on the next data release. For each update of the released portion we have to go and "hand-pick" the files that need to be updated on the public webserver. This is tedious, error-prone, and takes the fun out of data sharing.

Treating data like source code (almost)

Limitations or documented features

Due to the design, git-annex imposes some restrictions on how operations with files under its control should be carried out. So all the files (in a non-direct mode) are simply symlinks pointing to the files with actual content identified by a checksum and those files have no write permission. Write permissions were taken away on purpose: unlike with small files verification that large data file was unchanged (and retained the same checksum) can be a time consuming process, that is why changes within the file are not permitted. File must be unlocked (git annex unlock) or simply a corresponding symlink explicitly removed or replaced with a file with a new content without trying to re-open the original file for writing.

[1]Y.O. Halchenko. Incorrect probabilities in Harvard-Oxford-sub left hemisphere, 2012.;e46ecc4c.1210
[2]T. Rohlfing. Incorrect icbm-dti-81 atlas orientation and white matter labels. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7(4), 2013. ISSN 1662-453X. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00004.


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